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Party in the Guggenheim Museum?…Why on earth not?

22 September 2012

4 words and I was sold…

“Party in the Guggenheim”

Guggenheim Museum early morning, all peaceful and calm before the Art After Dark party

That’s right, I went to a party in the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao. It was a special event to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the museum, live music, DJ’s inside and outside, dancing and art. What’s not to love?

When I first heard about the event, I was very intrigued and loved the idea of a party in a museum, because well, it almost goes against nature. Party and museum in the same sentence, so I knew it was something that I wanted to check out.

I’m not going to lie, on first entering the outside stage I was slightly disappointed, I just couldn’t get into the music, it wasn’t quite my scene. But time passed, and it’s difficult to not enjoy yourself when you have the view of the Guggenheim as a back drop to the evening.

We then moved inside and that was when the party livened up some. It was such a bizarre night, dancing in the main atrium to various DJ’s, watching people become more and more intoxicated, like you were in a normal nightclub, but no no, it was the museum. Then, if you felt like a little peace you could take the glass lift upstairs into the galleries and explore.

A view of the outside stage from inside the Guggenheim

One of the rooms held a very interesting exhibition by David Hockney, an artist from Yorkshire who began some of his works on an ipad. The colours were amazing and the landscapes of the British countryside reminded me of home.

In all it was a very enjoyable night and I’m pleased to be able to say that I partied in the Guggenheim.

So here ends my ramblings on last nights event, tomorrow I’m going horse riding for the first time ever, so I’ll let you know how that one works out.

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